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Idea moment. Needs guidance.

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I just had an "aha!" moment. I was watching my longfin panda cory swim around this structure and I thought "that doesn't seem safe for her fins."  Then I remembered a comment once where someone took a similar decor item, torn off the plastic and planted real. I think that would work here!

Plants I own:

1. Marimo moss balls - many scattered in various tanks

2.  Java moss - kinda. The first bit I got was unhealthy and flaked off all over the place. I recently got some healthy stuff in with some snails I ordered so maybe that will grow. 

3.  Water lettuce - I know this isn't a big factor in aquascaping but I have it so I list it. 

4.  Water wisteria - I recently got some of this from a trade. I originally planned on placing it in the background. Now I'm not sure. For now it's floating on top of both my main tank and fry tank. 

5.  Tiger lotus - brand new

6.  Anubias Nana petite- brand new

7.  Java fern

One thought was to start with the anubias on the structure. That's about where my ideas ended lol. If I got some Java moss growth that could be an idea. I also wanna make a Java moss tree at some point but idk where I would put it lol. Originally I was going to put that where the structure is but with this idea that's out. 

I would also like some input on the water wisteria. I floated it at first because I had guppy females giving birth and fry needing cover at the time, but that's not as big of a need anymore. I got some plant weights. Maybe put it in the background?  Could still float some as it's less fragile about getting wet than the water lettuce. 

Including pics of the structure and current setup of the tank. 



Edited by Cinnebuns
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I think you're right in your thought about removing as many hazards from the tank as you can to protect those beautiful fins your cory has. The structure would look really cool with some anubias on it. Even a larger variety than the nana petite you have would work well and then you're adding more variety to the tank, which is always fun. You could even do java fern in place of the "plant" on the right to kind of mimic what that currently looks like. Lots of cool plants to play with! 

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I agree, I think the Anubias would be lovely on the rocks. Sometimes when you pull them out of the rock wool, you will find two smaller plants. You could also get some other Anubias varieties. Barterii has big beautiful leaves. I think some of the wisteria weighted down would be nice as a backdrop as well. Java Fern would look nice attached to the rock or just behind as well.

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