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Trying to research reverse osmosis and remineralization are what all is involved.


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I am trying to come up with a working game plan for my well water for my fish. See Can I use cloudy well water for water changes? Water parms included .

I am trying to figure out if RO is the way to go, and what I need to do to RO water before I can use it. I think I will need to heat it to tank temp, which will take space. I may need to remineralize the water.  I am not sure what is involved, or how long that will take. Any other useful information I need to know? 

Any recommendation on the type or size system I need? I have a 55 tank, 2 15 tanks, 2 10 tanks, and some live food tanks.

More phots in  Can I use cloudy well water for water changes? Water parms included (added photos)



Edited by KittenFishMom
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We use RO/DI for our shrimp tanks. We use a Melevs Reef unit @ 100 gallons per day but any will work. I habitually forget to watch it when I’m making water and always overfill it. I now only make water outside and in the backyard to keep from flooding the fish room. I set the filters in a chair, run the waste water line to drain in either the pool or the flower bed and discharge the RO/DI water into a rubber made trash can. I only use this trash can to store pure water, I do not mix salts or minerals in there. I keep a pwer head, pump or air stone in all of my water storage containers. When I need water for water changes or whatever I pump it into a different trash can on wheels that I can roll around to wherever I want (no carpet in the house, all hardwood floors). I only mix salts or remineralizers in the container with wheels or my 60g cube that stores the shrimp water. 

When remineralizing or adding salts the key for us is a TDS meter. Follow the directions on your remineralzer, get to the parameters you want then find the TDS. From then on you just need to know the TDS and raise the RO water that level. When mixing the water have a pump or heavy aeration going to make sure it mixes well. 

For example on our shrimp water we want our water parameters to be a GH of 3-4 and KH 0 which is roughly between 115 to 130 tds. So on our 60G cube, it takes 10 milliliters of the GH regulator that we use to add roughly 23 tds. When making a full 60 gallons I’ll use roughly 45 milliliters and then work up to where I want to be. I usually give it 10 - 15 minutes of heavy flow to get a good mix and then test the tds. We use a liquid remineralizer so if using solids or salts you may need to mix longer. 

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