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QT Trio and very young fish question


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I bought 10 blue neon teras today. According the to store owner they are very young. I am wondering if very young, growing fish should go through the quarantine trio without food for 5 days?  When I was raising my bullhead fry I feed them at least 3 times a day, and often 4 or 5 times, in small amounts. The though of not feeding these little tetras seems like it will stress them a lot, and the trio on top of that could be hard on them.  I'm going to call the store tomorrow and ask if they can tell me how old the tetras are. I don't think the 10 of them would fill a teaspoon, maybe not half a teaspoon. 


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I had this exact question when i was using the trio instructions the first time!

I feed fish for a few days before putting them through dewormer (that's the med that maybe you want to feed less/withhold food during) just to make sure they are not starved going into it. I also feed them lightly after they've been in the dewormer for a day or so, whether I'm using Expel-P or Paracleanse

I believe the idea about not feeding them is that you won't be adding food bulk to whatever parasite bulk might be trying to move out of their digestive system, which will make it easier for everything to pass. So, I feed things that seem easy to digest like krill flakes rather than bulky foods like dried brine shrimp or bloodworms, and just a little.



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