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Hi I saw your video talking about seasoning a tank it made sense to me I live in a small space but I really wanted a tank so I set up a 6 gallon I was wondering what kind of fish you suggest I put I am definitely getting a couple outos my last option is male guppies I don’t want to put a betta.


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It’s recommended that you get at least 4 Otos since they’re a shoaling species. With a 6 gallon tank that already puts you at or above the recommended stocking level. Your tank is long though so you may be able to get away with more. You will have to keep up on your water changes though. If you’re looking for stocking recommendations, nano fish would be ideal, which would include tetras, some rasboras, and some danios. One thing to keep in mind with guppies is they breed like crazy so if you have males and females, you will have more fish than you know what to do with in a very short amount of time.

Edited by colo3000
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Beautiful tank. Have you considered doing a shrimp only tank?

What are the water parameters? Are you using anything for an ammonia source?

You could do shrimp and a few snails.

Alternatively, Phoenix or chili rasboras. Those shoal, but travel in short bursts, needing only 5 gallons for a small school.

Just make sure your parameters are good for whatever you choose.

Edited by Minanora
I saw the heater
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Sounds good I am leaning more towards male guppies because I am a beginner I actually ordered some of tour root tabs and a usb air pump I also plan and picking up a easy planter,thanks for you input.

I am not sure how the water parameters are I wish i could pick up everything I need at once but I can have to get a test kit also.

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On 12/18/2021 at 12:37 PM, Minanora said:

Beautiful tank. Have you considered doing a shrimp only tank?

What are the water parameters? Are you using anything for an ammonia source?

You could do shrimp and a few snails.

Alternatively, Phoenix or chili rasboras. Those shoal, but travel in short bursts, needing only 5 gallons for a small school.

Just make sure your parameters are good for whatever you choose.

Not really into shrimp 

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On 12/18/2021 at 9:41 AM, Farold said:

Sounds good I am leaning more towards male guppies because I am a beginner I actually ordered some of tour root tabs and a usb air pump I also plan and picking up a easy planter,thanks for you input.

I am not sure how the water parameters are I wish i could pick up everything I need at once but I can have to get a test kit also.

I love it! A few male guppies would do fine in there. I'm always a supporter of guppies in tanks, as I have many, many, many, guppies. But I digress to my previous comment regarding parameters. A seasoned tank is wonderful, but without testing your water parameters on a regular basis there's no way of knowing how stable the tank is to qualify it as a seasoned tank. If you've never introduced ammonia to that tank, it is likely not established.

Shrimp can be a challenge. So I can understand that.

On another note, I'd like to add that this is a community forum. I noticed that you had stated "...your root tabs..." and "...your video...". I want to make sure you understand that a large number of us on this platform do not work for Aquarium Co-Op and are not associated with them in any direct capacity.

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