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Barbs in a 20 gallon Long


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I'll be setting up a new tank and have settled on a 20 long based on where it will sit, which is the bar between kitchen and dining room.  The bar is wide enough to still be able to use the counter  and it will be kind of a mini room divider with viewing on all three sides.  My vision is to densely plant one end, maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the length, and have the "peninsula" end be open swimming space.

I've never had barbs because of compatibility issues, but have always wanted them.  I especially like Tiger and Green Tigers.  I think the 20L will be too small for them even if not densely planted.  I'd love to be wrong about that, but I'm not hopeful.   Have you had success with barbs in a 20 L?

The other fish I really want to keep is pictus cats, but I definitely can't put them in 20 L.  

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I think a small group of tiger or green tigers should be fine in there.  Your at the minimum end of the tank size recommendation wise but a small group could look really good when they are all fully grown.

It sounds like a lovely idea btw.

Edited by Flumpweesel
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Interesting, thanks.  I am not familiar with many barb varieties other than Tigers.  I'll look into Odessas.  I think I see some live-bearers in there as well.  Did they get along?  I have too many mollies and would like to be able to put a few in this tank if possible.

I'm going to try to get a little current moving in this tank as well.  I've never tried that.

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