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  1. Hi everyone, I have a balloonfish molly that keeps having white patchy growths on its fins (see the circled area in the pictures). I thought this was a bacterial infection, so I treated with Kanaplex. However, the growth keeps coming back after treatment, as I already did 2 rounds of medication. Does anyone know what this disease is and how I should treat it? Tank specs: 20 gallon long, HOB Aqueon filter and sponge filter, heater, light set for 8 hours per day, started 4/2023 Tankmates: clownfish pleco, panda garra, 2 guppies, neon tetra, aquatic plants Feeding: feed 1 pinch of micro pellets, freeze-dried tubifex worms, or micro wafers every day, feed small pieces of algae wafer and pleco wafer every other day Cleaning habits: change around 20% of water (5 gallons) every week with gravel vacuuming I've also noticed that my tank consistently has dark blue hair algae. Molly: I got the fish about 3 months ago and quarantined first. It seems to still eat, but I often see it hanging near the bottom of the tank in the day (more active at night). Water Parameters: pH: 8.2 Nitrates: between 0-5 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Water Temperature: around 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. HI, My fish previously had ich and then some sort of secondary condition. One died of ich and then another from the secondary infection. I don't have access to the meds available in the US. So I used API Super Ich to treat it. No other fish got ich, a week or 2 later I noticed some whiteness/dullness in another fish and instantly treated it with Tetra Ich guard later realizing it was not ich. I was then recommended to treat with API Fungal cure, which did nothing. Lost a second fish. A few weeks later, I notice another fish is dull, but this time it has a white protrusion at the side and a darker area. I have been treating the tank with API paraguard for just over a white with no changes. Unfortunately my Hospital tank has Rainbow fish in it, so I have been treating my main tank (they are new). The main tank only has 6 Rummynose, 45 gallon. It is fully cycled and the parameters have been very stable. What can this be? Can it be an internal parasite? It is a slender fish. It is active, but definitely swims on its own a lot, but does join the group at times. It seems to be eating well. Feeling pretty tired of trying to figure it out. I know I can treat it with salt (next step I think), but I really want to know what it can be. The photos are terrible, this guy does not stop! This is a screen shot from a video. You can see there is a little white protrusion at the side, this is the only one. There are no other spots like ich. Insight into what it may be?
  3. One of my red minor tetras has developed a spot of white tissue on it's body near it's dorsal fin. It's a planted tank, water parameters are stable and constant, and all other occupants are otherwise healthy. Please advise on what it could be and what treatment should be used. Thanks all in advance https://photos.app.goo.gl/yp6tdCP4fGdhr73J7
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