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  1. Hi All, i have a 20 long planted tank stocked with: 1 bolivian ram, 1 black lyretail molly, 2 zebra danios (I know, they prefer a school, but I really don’t want more 🙂 ), 4 Kuhli loaches and a nerite snail I’m starting to think this thing may be close to maxing out for a comfortable bioload, but is there some extra room here for a few more? Thinking a school of neon tetras would look awesome in there at some point, or maybe one more odd-ball mid level swimmer
  2. I found a diagram describing different plant deficiencies and it looks like my sword is showing signs of nitrogen deficiency. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I have put several root tabs under it when I got it a couple weeks ago. I added a couple more root tabs underneath it today. Is that ok? Can you put too much? I also dose the water weekly with easy green. Is there anything else I should do? water samples today: ammonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrate - 20/40 (hard for me to tell between the 2)
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