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  1. I've been doing a lot of investigation into Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp of late and seeing a lot of the same things that I saw about Sulawesi Rabbit Snails a few years back- they need 8.0-8.5PH water, they need a special blend of minerals, they need an environment that mimics the lake they came from, they eat plants, etc. As people captive bred Rabbit snails, they were able to acclimate them to plain tap water and densely planted tanks. I'm seeing Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp sellers claiming that they've done the similar things (there's as WA state seller that claims their stock has been bred in 7.0-7.2PH water), but all of the YouTube and online picture content points to people still all following "old school mimic the lake they were discovered in" methods. Has anyone here tried keeping these shrimp in a more typical aquarium configuration?
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