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  1. Hello all, Thank you for taking the time to look at my post. I am somewhat new to the hobby. I have Been keeping goldfish my whole life in ponds but new to the Aquarium hobby. all of the fish I have now are all new from the pet shop this year. so.... I have a 150 gallon tank. yesterday (right before heading out to Sunday church) I noticed one of my Shubunkin goldfish was at the bottom of the tank just sitting there without flapping any fins. So I put her in a Quarantine tank and observed her for a few minutes, she was only using one Gill for breathing and when she did move would only use one of her side fins. She had been sitting on the bottom of the tank inactive. the weird part is, she has been doing this on and off all day. she will sit at the bottom then i will see her moving around as if nothing is wrong moving both fins and breathing out of both gills. Then I will see her at the bottom again. I did see some white/clear poop sting coming out of her as well. I medicated her with Minnfinn and also added some Epson salt to the quarantine tank. Everyone else in the main tank is just fine. If anyone has any sort of advice for me that would be so much help. Thank you all here are my Test results from the water, Ammonia Level(Tank) 0 Nitrite Level(Tank) 0 Nitrate level(Tank) 5.0 Ammonia Level(Tap) 0 Nitrite Level(Tap) 0 Nitrate level(Tap) 5.0 Ph Level, Tank 7.2-7.6 Ph Level, Tap 7.2-7.6 Water temperature? 70F
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