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  1. I have been using seachem flourish advance I dose once a week after a water change have vallisneria and Javan fern in my tank after two year my plant growth has slowed and I am getting more algae is there anything else I should add to help improve growth and slow algae my lights are on 8hours a day my nitrites 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 15
  2. Aquarium: 30 gallon with 4 dwarf gourami, 4 guppies, 12 neons, 6 amano shrimp, 4 otto cats. Also with 2 anubias, 2 monte carlos, 2 java ferns, 2 amazon swords, and one crypt. I recently started dosing 5ml per day of seachem flourish excel about 2 months ago because I do not have real CO2 (i know its not the same but its better than nothing lol). I test my water before and after water changes and actually document levels in a spreadsheet and graph it in order to spot any changes/differences over time. After dosing flourish excel for a while, ive noticed that i am doing LESS THAN HALF the water changes I was before. Before I got excel, I had to do 50% water change like 2-3 times per month just to keep my nitrates below 40 ppm. After dosing excel for awhile, Im only doing 50% water changes ONCE A MONTH! Thats crazy right? It's cool but, what is it doing? What ingredients are causing my nitrates to increase so slowly now? Not only that but my plants really are flourishing (no pun intended). I know most people would just accept it and move on, but I want to find out exactly what is in flourish excel that's causing this. I'm trying to understand the science behind it because its such a drastic difference (and im just a fish nerm). Has anyone else had similar observations after dosing this? Sorry for the long/complicated question, THANK YOU in advance!
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