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  1. I have a tank. It's milky white. Over a week. Nothing was working. Moved the fish yesterday, and thought I'd just use it to quarantine plants for now. Dumped in the plants. Added Alum. Checked on them this morning. Tank water is crystal clear. Crystal. I mean, I have to test the parameters, etc, but wow. I want to add some to the other tank now, to see. Anyone know anything about this?
  2. Hi all, I am currently treating gold dust/velvet in my planted 20g; stocked with corys, oto's, 2 loaches, a bristlenose, couple of snails & shrimp. They all have mild gold dust, specifically in the gill area. Have been treating with Ich Attack by Kordon, Melafix, as well as Petco's Parasite Remedy (I know, no LFS). I will order in medication, just haven't been able to figure out the best one to go with. In addition I have started a black out and raised temp to 79. My question is, are there more effective treatments which will be safe for my plants, fish, snails & shrimp? I have heard aquarium salt works well, and copper based products, which I unfortunately cannot use.Thank you so much for the help!
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