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  1. HI, My fish previously had ich and then some sort of secondary condition. One died of ich and then another from the secondary infection. I don't have access to the meds available in the US. So I used API Super Ich to treat it. No other fish got ich, a week or 2 later I noticed some whiteness/dullness in another fish and instantly treated it with Tetra Ich guard later realizing it was not ich. I was then recommended to treat with API Fungal cure, which did nothing. Lost a second fish. A few weeks later, I notice another fish is dull, but this time it has a white protrusion at the side and a darker area. I have been treating the tank with API paraguard for just over a white with no changes. Unfortunately my Hospital tank has Rainbow fish in it, so I have been treating my main tank (they are new). The main tank only has 6 Rummynose, 45 gallon. It is fully cycled and the parameters have been very stable. What can this be? Can it be an internal parasite? It is a slender fish. It is active, but definitely swims on its own a lot, but does join the group at times. It seems to be eating well. Feeling pretty tired of trying to figure it out. I know I can treat it with salt (next step I think), but I really want to know what it can be. The photos are terrible, this guy does not stop! This is a screen shot from a video. You can see there is a little white protrusion at the side, this is the only one. There are no other spots like ich. Insight into what it may be?
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