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  1. When I said hello in the welcome area, I was told you all like pictures. I am currently a lifetime hobbyist and have kept aquariums in my home, both salt and freshwater, most of my life. My grandfather was super big into gathering driftwood off the banks of our brackish watered bays and off the beaches along the Emerald Coast here in Alabama. Over COVID, I started watching a lot of hobby Youtube channels and came across Cory/Dean at Aquarium Co Op, along with several others including MD Tanks/Dan's Fish(Your Friendly Fishmonger lol)/Keeping Fish Simple/Foisy Aquatics/Sydney's Angels(recently)/Kaity's Cichlids and especially my Shrimp Idol, Mark over across the pond. Lately, I have turned my hobby into planted tanks but also beginning to keep/breed shrimp. Once I am moved into my new home, I will photograph and blog my journey of the fish room setup. One of the ways I have made side money over the last couple years to collect everything I need for my venture has been walking the beaches/bays and finding choice pieces of driftwood. The prime pieces usually exit the bay and blow up on our south shores, those include crape myrtle pieces everyone loves so much. Will start with 3 big pieces pre treatment so you all can have some pics. I'll drop more each week when I gather. The one pictured by itself is so unique and cool looking. Excited to see what it will turn out like after I treat it. @Fish Folk here ya go! 😁
  2. Anyone have any tips for preparing hard wood for a tank? I’ve had this piece of wood outside for around 10 years now but I’m not sure if it’s safe for use. I’ve heard that hardwood is generally safe in the aquarium. I’m going to try with a wire brush and brush off all the excess bark and soft wood inside and out. Any other tips would be helpful.
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