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  1. Hey fellow nerms, I want to have a fish photo contest on this forum. How its going to work: -Private Message me a photo of the fish that you want to be entered in the contest. If you are unsure how to do this, click the mail box icon next tot he notifaction bell, and click compose new. -I will then create a tournament bracket, and I will post the photos submitted to me on this thread -You can vote on the better picture by using the heart reaction, or other reactions. The photo with the most votes/ reactions will move on to the next round. If there is a tie breaker needed, I will be the last vote. -Winner will receive official nerm braging rights Please private message me the photos no later then Monday11:59pm centeral time. The Contest will start on Tuesday. Each competition will close on noon centeral time the following day (I will try to post the photos by 1pm Centeral time, no promises). I may hide the posts that have been outdated (I may hide tuesdays competions on wednesday when it closes)
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