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  1. Inspired by the recent fish room tour video Cory posted, I've been thinking about the idea of the 'no water change,' tank, and how feasible it would be for my main, heavily planted display. The interesting thing is that my nitrates are consistently consumed by plants--the real reason I tend to do water changes (once every 3 weeks to a month) is because my pH starts to drop pretty precipitously--from 7.0 down to 6 and lower the longer I let it go. I dose Easy-Green and root tabs on the regular, so I have guessed that the pH drop is possibly due to the digestive action taking place by all the fish/plants, as well as the loss of dissolved minerals and solids over time as aformentioned plants/animals use those up. I suspect I could do a 'no water change,' approach to this tank if I could solve this particular issue. Any ideas I could experiment with?
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