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  1. I have a 20 long with 3 pairs of Lamprologus Brevis "Sunspot". One pair is pumping out fry, one pair is definitely shacked up together, and the third pair hangs together but is younger and not yet breeding. I have vision breaks so they all have their own little territories, though they often mingle especially at feeding time. After the first 3 sets of fry from the first pair slowly disappeared from the tank (eaten by their daddy I believe, but cannot prove 😛 ), I decided to catch out ten babies and grow them out separately. Question: how big should the fry be before I return them to the colony? I do not want this to be a "death tornado" as Cory would term it! Too small, and they get eaten; too large, and there could be issues of aggression/territory (as I understand it). There are plenty of shells to go around for everyone. I've read that Brevis are not supposed to eat their own babies, and will allow more than one generation to co-exist, but that was not happening with this colony. I'm hoping that once I get these other small fish into the colony, then future fry will also be safer. Thanks!
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