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  1. Hi all, hoping for some input here. I came home tonight after being away a couple days to find one of my 8 kuhli loaches passed away. I scooped it out of the tank to inspect and saw what looked like internal bleeding, very intense internal redness, on one side coming down from the gills and a clutch of eggs visible through the skin. No lesions or signs of external disease or injury. I am asking for help identifying cause of death in order to prevent any additional losses among the remaining 7 loaches. All the loaches, including the one that passed, are around 2 inches long. The first four have been out of quarantine for about two weeks and the second batch moved out of quarantine four days ago -- the casualty is from the second group, so she had been out of quarantine for less time. I added the loaches to my cycled, planted 20gal long over the course of a couple weeks after weeklong quarantines with the quarantine trio and aquarium salt. The remaining seven are behaving as they normally do, rooting around, swimming to the top occasionally, sifting through the substrate, hanging together, and so on. They share the tank with one male honey gourami, 3-4 Amano shrimp, and one mystery snail. Water parameters as of ten minutes ago: Ph 6.5 Ammonia <0.25ppm Nitrite 0.0ppm Nitrate 0.0ppm Temperature: 76° Farenheit I do not have hardness readings at this time. I am attaching a photo of the deceased to this post. Please view at your own discretion, and thank you for any help. Rest in peace little lady.
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