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  1. Help! Very high KH, PH, alkalinity! But very soft water? I have had this tank up and planted for four weeks now. Zero nitrates, nitrites, and zero ammonia. No limestone. The only thing added to the tank has been Easy Green liquid fertilizer. I have been “feeding” the tank Hakari micro bites every other day. The tank was seeded from existing tanks and the plants were from the other tanks as well. I am using the same water I use for all six of my tanks. (Filtered water from a water store) They all are at 50 hardness, 80 alkalinity and 40 carbonate. PH of 7. THIS TANK: 25 GH, 300 Alkalinity, 300 carbonate, 8 PH. What am I doing wrong? I started doing two gallon changes every other day with RO water a week ago. No change except the PH may have come down to 7.9. I am just about to tear the whole thing down. I could really use some knowledge and advice!
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