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  1. Hi everyone. Im dumbfounded. I have a tank that has been running for about a year. Here's the tank: 29 gal, fluval plant 3.0 light, oase biomaster, fluvial stratum & sand substrate, air stone on 24/7, heavily planted and lots of driftwood. Water parameters are 80f, 6.6ph, 150gh, 0 Amonia, 0 NO2, 15ish NO2. I dose easy green as needed to maintain NO2 levels. Water change once to twice a week as needed. My home water is pretty hard and it evaporates quick so I change water rather than top off. I have some fluval aquatic peat in the canister to help soften and keep at least one catapa leaf in at a time. Stock: 6 bronze Cory's, 4 cardinal tetras, 3 black neon tetras, 1 oto, 2 bristlenose, 1 SAE. On to the real issue. I started off slowly, cycled properly and added fish as I went. Thankfully I used some filter media from an established tank to start. I added the Corys & cardinals from another tank, then the otos and black neons. Finally I added two gbrs to the tank. They did great, got two spawns and they seemed happy. After a few months I ran into an issue with some filamentous algae ( I think adding iron when it wasn't necessary) so I grabbed the SAE. Did a great job of cleaning but grew quickly. In August of '22 the female GBR died. I think she swam into some driftwood being chased by either the male or the SAE. Back in early December I picked up two more female gbrs. One for this tank and one for another. The female died after about a week or two. Very suddenly with no real signs. I let the tank sit for another few weeks and decided to try adding the other female to the tank. This time the male ended up dying suddenly. I noticed him hiding so I checked all the parameters and everything seemed fine. I also lost a cardinal, a black neon and a Cory. At the time I assumed it was because I may have had a chemical on my hand when reaching into the tank(always wash your hands before you put them in the tank 😢) Flash forward to today and suddenly the lone female GBR is dead. I noticed the same hiding behavior as the male had. This time I know I didn't make the same mistake. All the other fish are fine and doing well. Not sure what might be causing these issues. Could the SAE be stressing them out? He tends to chase the gbrs and the black neons but not super aggressively and leaves everyone else alone. Is the gH too high and causing this? I'm truly upset because I really loved the gbrs. They had such a great personality to them and I really enjoyed having them in the tank, but I don't want to keep killing fish. Please help lol
  2. Hey everyone, I recently picked up a new German blue ram. At the time I thought it was a female as I have a healthy male and wanted to get him a girl to share the tank with. When I first got it i thought it was a female but now that it's in the tank with the male I'm questioning it. Any help on a definitive answer would be awesome. Thanks!
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