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  1. Hey all, I have been a fish hobbiest for going on two years now. I have learned a lot, but I have a lot to learn. My 10 gallon was once a beautiful planted tank with gorgeous color and life. I have since built my fish room, moved the tank and got a Finnex 24/7 light and now the tank is sad and covered in Fuzz Algae. As stated in the description of the light I have it set up with "The 24/7 feature starts with a cool lit Dawn, transitions in to a warm sunrise morning, followed by an intense color blazing high noon, scaling down to a red sun drowned Sunset and finishes with a Starry night Blue moonlight." Since making these changes I have seen an increase and excess of Fuzz algae. I have been struggling with it for months now. Clearly the tank is not balanced. Yes I know this. And I'm embarrassed to post these photos. My question is, is the technically low lighting (16.8 watts over a 10 gallon tank) fixture causing the algae alone by being on all day? I had started to play with easy green thinking it needed fertilizer but it felt to me like when I put it in the algae got worse. So, far I have taken out the second sponge filter, I thought maybe the water was too oxygenated and needed more CO2. Now I feel like that was a dumb move and that's not gonna give me much more Co2. No I don't have Co2 running in this tank. This is one of my 7 tanks and the one I struggle with the most. Any helpful information is appreciated. It's taken a lot to for me to suck it up and ask for help. The Paramaters: 10 gallon-9 gallon with substrate tank set up almost 2 years ago, Corydoras (are my main featured fish in this tank), ghost shrimp (put in to help with the algae) and a few male Endlers to keep separate from my females for the moment. PH: 7.0, Nitrates: 5ppm, Ammonia-.25 (comes out of my tap this amount, I'm on a well near farms with run off), Nitrite: 0, Temp: 75.6, The last picture with the purple background shows the 10 gallon in its glory days.
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