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  1. Im now experimenting with fry tray colors vs german breeding rings to see how they impact fry success in spotted congo puffers. My current theory is that the fry are having trouble finding food on a reflecting bright white background. German breeding ring Fry feed off bottom, midwater, and sides White Fry tray... which is awesome with puffers eating baby brine. this is great to see the fry from above and used all the time now but I now believe my puffer fry may be feeding from below and against the walls in this gif as a function of not seeing the paramecium or worms against a white background My plan is to 3d print and tryout a black petg fry tray with a portion of the next batch due this week and see what changes in puffer growth and behaviors over the first 3 weeks of growth vs the pprtion in a breeding ring and the portion in a white tray. I will be using live plants to be able to see the fry a little easier Ill update this thread as the results come in im curious to see the impact of color of walls and floor for the clear/white food items
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