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  1. My friend Jen at Smallworld Aquatics who is the vendor that buys most of my fish wants us to participate in our clubs Breeders Award Program. I have no computer or computer skills 🤣 I tried to find a format on my phone to write and organize all my Breeder forms, spawning reports and proof of spawn to be able to submit them. The first submission for January is a bunch that bred Sept -November. I doubt the folks on the committee want to read my 120+ page journal and side journals to find the info 🤣 I’ll keep everything here because @Elodie Rose is going to proofread and put them into an accepted format to submit for me. I figure it will be easy to simply mail 1 link to the Bap committee that displays all the videos and photos for proof of spawn. Im also going to participate in the photo and writers award program for my club. Those articles have to be unpublished elsewhere (not sure if this counts as publishing) so I’ll do those in email. Hopefully they choose some to put in the club newsletter Tank Tales. If they do I will ask permission to photograph the article and share here. Follow along and those who participate in BAP for their club if you see anything I missed chime in so I can include it because I have no clue about the BAP program 🤗 If you follow along with my adventure please check back on any species you are interested in. Each species will have only one entry that I will edit to update as I collect info. Feel free to comment or ask questions. HAPPY ADVENTURES…TRY SOMETHING NEW!
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