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  1. I love Cory's 1 hour challenge. I have been trying my best to spend 1 hour with my tanks and so I thought I would create a thread for it. The goal is to share what I did every day as well as any discoveries I made in the process of my 1hr. Sometimes it wont be an hour (because I only have 3 tanks, I dont always have enough stuff to do in an hour). Hopefully this thread will encourage me to continue with my one hour. Soo today I did waterchanges on 2/3 of my tanks (one of them is still cycling), wiped/ clean the glass. It probably took around 45mins. Today I discoverd new growth on my Anubias in my community tank:
  2. What are some "discoveries" that you made in your aquarium journey. Maybe they are stupid discovires that everyone else knew but you, or maybe it was a diy project. I will go first "I was today years old when I relized that it was pronoucned African cichlids, not African Chichlid Sicklets" This was when I was brand new to the hobby, I would see people mention cichlids, but i saw the spelling it was "cichlids". The letters got twisted in my head and it turned into "chichlids" and so I thought it was African Chichilid Sickelts.
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