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  1. i started coding in python 2 days ago and my brother helped me make something to track water parameters action = input("what do you want to do A.write test, B.read test") if action == ("A"): ph = str(input("whats the ph")) gh = str(input("whats the gh")) kh = str(input("whats the kh")) nitrates = str(input("whats the nitrate")) tests = ("\n\nnitrates: %s general Hardness: %s karbonate hardness: %s nitrate: %s "% (ph,gh,kh,nitrates)) optional_tests = input("do you want to log NH3, NO2, PO4, misc") if optional_tests == ("Y"): phosphate = str(input("whats the phosphate")) ammonia = str(input("whats the ammonia")) nitrite = str(input("whats the nitrite")) chlorine = str(input("whats the the chlorine")) copper = str(input("whats the copper")) optional_test = ("\n\nphosphate: %s ammonia: %s nitrite: %s chlorine: %s copper: %s"% (phosphate,ammonia,nitrite,chlorine,copper)) optional_test_file = open("optional_test.txt", "a") optional_test_file.write(str(optional_test)) optional_test_file.close testfile = open("water parameter tracker.txt", "a") testfile.write(str(tests)) testfile.close download the latest version of python https://www.python.org/downloads/ you make a 2 text files called "water parameter tracker.txt" and ""optional_test.txt" make sure they are in the same directory as the program what have you made/working on?
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