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  1. My heavily planted livebearer & snail 36g is off to a roaring start! Babies are everywhere (really hope some of them get eaten!) and everyone seems active and happy. I have pretty soft, neutral tap water, so I bought a huge sack of crushed coral at the outset and have been tossing in a small handful with weekly 25% water changes. So now my tank's GH is way higher (about 200ppm) than my tap water (about 80ppm). But the KH only seems to get lower no matter what I do! I just did a water change a couple days ago and I'm already back at about 20-30ppm KH (tap is about 40-50ppm KH), and this is even after adding some pieces of cuttlebone and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. pH is now about 7.4 so I don't want to add more and risk a huge pH spike. What should I do? Another water change? Just keep chucking in crushed coral and relax? Ironically, my betta tank and my pea puffer tank both seem to have higher, about tap-water levels of KH and I haven't added anything to it. Pea puffer tank even has a big ol piece of mopani wood still leeching tannins. Backwards land out here.
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