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  1. I was inspired to make this little journal after reading the thread about fish toys: I'm a huge fan of positive reinforcement training; I've trained my dog to do all kinds of fun things with a clicker and some treats. I know that with patience you can pretty much train anything to at least touch a target, and with more patience you can train even more behaviors through shaping. You just have to understand the basic fundamentals of the process. SOOOOOO... here's my blood parrot cichlid, Igor. He's a friendly little guy, and already knows my fingers = food. The high value treat I will be using are crushed ramshorn snails (he loves them!). The behavior I'm aiming for is, when introducing a hoop into the tank, he should immediately swim through it. Hoop = swim through. Seems easy enough. The first step is desensitizing him to the hoop. He was very worried about it when I first put it in, so this session is just feeding him his dinner with the hoop hanging around. At one point I sink it further in and he accidentally swims through it. But it's obvious throughout the entire video he's still very worried about it. When he shows no fear of it at all, I'll move on to the next step. Might take a few sessions. I'll do a better job at aiming the camera next time. EDIT: If you are new to this thread and just want to see the eventual outcome, here's session 25, where Igor performs the trick perfectly.
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