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  1. I recently acquired a lovely set of threadfins (Iriatherina werneri) from my local fish club auction and they need a little bulking up before they're ready for breeding. So, I thought to myself, they will need an auto-feeder! But, all of the community says they can be pretty jumpy, so how do we have an opening for food to fall from the auto-feeder without risking any fish escapees? That's right! We build a little plastic garage to go over the top of the feeder and block the hole! A few quick measurements, some extra twinwall polycarbonate leftover from making tank lids, and some hot glue is all you need to make your own! I assume this would work exactly the same with a Co-op brand feeder. They weren't available when I was in the market a while back, so I settled for Amazon. I'm interested to see if there's any issues with trapped humidity affecting the food in the drum and to see if there is any algae growth in there. I guess I'll have to wait and see! UPDATE: Immediately upon installation I could see the humidity clouding the inside of the poly sheeting, I drilled a fair amount of ventilation holes in there and I'm going to give it a few days and see if it clears up of not. FURTHER UPDATE: Vent holes were NOT enough. I just removed the lid pretty much. Looks to be doing good now 👍🏼
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