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  1. My two best buddies these days are Siri and Alexa. Alexa! Set a timer for 5 minutes! In my morning routine I pull the air from the baby brine shrimp and start draining water from the baby discus tank. Then I set an alarm using Alexa for 5 minutes. When the first 5 minute alarm goes off, I go back to my utility room where my brine shrimp rack is and do my first harvest. I keep setting alarms until all the water has been changed in my fishroom. If I get blackworms or white worms out of the fridge, I set an alarm. Until I got in the habit of using Alexa and Siri, I would suffocate my brine shrimp due to leaving them without air for an hour. Or even worse, I would overflow a tank during a water change. Knock on wood, but no disasters recently.
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