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  1. Hey there fellow fish hobbyists. I have another question, (it’s a hobby so I always get em 😉) how to know when I should clean the sponge. Not how but when. Ik how. Cory has a good way of showing it. This is my first time cleaning one, had it set up since oh maybe 4-5 months back, is that a really long time? Now this is a thing where people have their own opinions and suggestions but I would like a general idea if possible 🙂. My 20g long is home to (for now) 5 panda corys. I have a filter sponge from AC that is suited for 20-30 gallons if my memory serves me right. So pic below is it. Does it look dirty enough to clean? I have to say it is more dirty IRL then in pic. First time sponge guy here, used to be the HOB guy but not anymore. TIA -Whitecloud09 🙂 maybe a simple Q for you but first time sponger like mentioned. Video I watched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qImy1PXdkvU&list=LL&index=1
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