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  1. Hi everyone. I recently got back into the hobby after 20 years and so much has changed. I feel like I am re-learning everything (and trying live plants for the first time). I have a bunch of questions and am looking for advice on next steps for my new tank. // By the way. How lucky am I to live 30 minutes from Aquarium Co-op?? Best fish store, staff and community ever. Setup Waterbox 64g All in One Sump has 4 filter socks, bio balls on mid-left chamber, bio max in mid-right chamber Variable water pump (Hydor Seltz) exchanging between 250-500 gph. Most often set to around 350 gph. CO2 Art dual regulator set at 3-4 bps (runs during lighting) AI Freshwater LED running about 50% for 10 hours I used sand, which I regret, but am locked in now lol. Stock Slowly added the following over last 5 weeks 20 nerites 2 small plecos 10 Zebra Danios 8 Kyathit Danios 10 Cory Pandas 20 Java ferns (various types) 6 Buce Maintenance 50% water water change 1x/week (Saturday), add general fertilizer and potassium 20% water change 1x/week (Wednesday, add general fertilizer and potassium Water Composition pH: 6.8 before lighting/CO2, 6.6 end of lighting/CO2 GH/KH ~80ppm Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 pre/post water change (too low to measure?) Nitrate: 5 pre water changes, 0 post water change Phosphate: 0-.2 (several tests, not exactly sure but below .2) Questions/Advice Fish are active - showing healthy behavior. Plecos munching on driftwood, Danios schooling, playing in the current and 3 females appear to be full of eggs. Plants brown a bit after being added, but new growth starts from roots after 1-2 weeks. I have had algae for about 5 weeks now. Never gets too bad. Snails are eating down the white hair algae, and both snails, corys and plecos are eating green algae off plants/glass. How to feed plants? About 3 weeks ago Nitrates went to 0. They are barely getting up to 3-5 right before water changes. Do my plants need more Nitrates? I am using fertilizer 2x/week as instructed (both a general and potassium). How do I know if this is the right does/schedule? What signals should I be looking for? The algae is consistently growing on plants. It isn't getting out of control, seems to be plateaued the past 2-3 weeks, but is there a way to reduce it while feeding the plants? I cannot tell if I have too much / too little light. When I first added plants I was getting a lot of pearling, but lately a lot less. But I have not changed anything other than adding fish and plants. Do I need more CO2? More light? More nutrients? Can I keep adding fish? Using a variety of fish stock calculators I have room for about 10 more Danios. Which I'd like to do since they look super cool schooling through the plants. Am I ready to add all 10 more? Or do I need to stabilize longer?
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