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Everything posted by EmeraldEyes20

  1. Love all the photos so far! I wanted to add some shrimp to the mix:
  2. Thanks for the advice! I read a bit about how important it was to remove the eggs or they'd be eaten, but I'm not sure I have the time/space to raise baby angelfish right now anyway so I decided to leave them in the tank.
  3. @Henry the fish keeper I'm not sure. I originally had four angelfish, but one was smaller than the rest and couldn't compete for food, and when I came back from vacation several days ago another one passed, leaving me with just these two. Yesterday one laid eggs for the first time, but they were eaten overnight and I couldn't tell if they were fertilized or not. I'll attach a picture below. The eggs are on the leaf; I'm sorry that they're hard to see.
  4. Hello everyone! I've been reading this forum for a few years and decided to join! I'm super excited to be here. I've been fishkeeping for 6 years, and I currently have three aquariums: 4 gal: x1 betta fish 10 gal: x5 emerald eye rasboras x3 norman's lampeye killifish 55 gal: x4 false julii cory x3 gold white cloud mountain minnows x3 porkchop rasboras x2 koi angelfish x1 L333 yellow tiger pleco Pics!
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