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Everything posted by bun

  1. My bad, it is the 11.3 g I'm getting! My brain was already rounding down to account for substrate and hardscape.
  2. Thank you everyone! I think I will be going with a 10 gallon aquatop cube. It's beautiful! And... it's the only way I can get a ten gallon to fit in the spot I have as the others are just a bit too long, but it's good to know the aqueons are reliable AND affordable too for future tank endeavors. I'm thinking of picking up a little one as a quarantine tank.
  3. Thank you! They are so fun. They have the slightest hint of blue, and the more energetic one has a splash of blue metallic scales on his head!!
  4. I'm doing some research before buying another tank. I'm hoping to get between 8-15 gallons for a low tech planted tank for a future betta. I see some wildly mixed reviews from aquarium glass found at big box stores, but don't want to break the bank. Does anyone have suggestions for tank brands on a budget? Rim or rimless, any dimension configuration is fine but I don't want a kit because I'll just customize it anyway. Thanks!
  5. Hello! My partner and I started a ten gallon planted tank (low tech) with Moscow guppies, endlers (male only tank so they won't crossbreed), Inca snails, and cherry and amano shrimp last month. I am not a fan of creepy crawly bug things so didn't think I'd love to watch the snails as much as I do. The Incas are so beautiful and active!! These pictures are about 2 weeks old right after adding the stock and one of the endlers is getting BIG. Plants are pretty happy too. We're going to get one-two more endlers and two more Guppies soon! I'm also planning on buying another tank to make a pond style habitat for a future beta. I kept them as a kid and looking back we didn't do the worst job (didn't live in a tiny bowl) but had zero enrichment so I want to do it right this time. I saw a gerogeous blue alien Betta at a fish store (I'm in Seattle) last month and fell in love, so would love to find plakat type. Big dreams but trying to take baby steps and not get in over my head. 😂 Anyway, lots of questions and excited to learn and see everyone's tanks.
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