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  1. Didn't occur to me that pics would be useful to other people; glad I can help! As for meds, the fish are in a heavily planted quarantine tank, so I'm going to hold off for now and keep a close eye on them; I'd rather avoid further stressing their systems if I can. The fish is active and eating (usually the first one to get to the food), so I'll just keep monitoring for now and move them into meds if it doesn't improve.
  2. The vendor replied to our inquiry. They say it's probably ammonia poisoning from shipping and should clear up now that the fish is in good water. They were even kind enough to extend their live arrival guarantee by a few days just in case.
  3. I just received a shipment of rams, and one or two have some issues with the gills (inflammation/flaring). Any ideas what this is, whether it's contagious, and how to treat it? Thanks!
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