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Posts posted by Huihui

  1. Help my nitrate is at 80ppm. I did a water change about 60 precent, and I check the water again is still at 80ppm, so I did a 70 percent water change again and is still at 80ppm. What do I do? Should I buy denitrate? 

    Ammonia: 0ppm

    Nitrite: 5.0ppm

    Nitrate: 80 ppm

  2. If it doesn't get better than a week. Is it possible to find other medications, since in Canada is hard to get Kanaplex etc. I hope the fasting works and Epsom salt. 

    I order Kanaplex on Ebay, but it won't arrive on time.

  3. Hi, I don't think is the filter flow issue. I adjust to the lowest too and my other ranchu seems to be fine with the current flow I have right now. I even turn off the filter for a few mintues to check. If it was swim bladder, what kind of treatment should I do?

  4. Hi, so I'm a new ranchu keeper. Recently I bought another ranchu and it was pretty active for a few days, till I notice he's floating a bit upside a few times. I kinda brush it off since I knew that ranchu  sometime has tiny fins to keep them balance, but I got concern since he flipped upside down a few times. He's still very active and swims normally, It may be a case of swim bladder? I'm not sure though and I need help. I also notice he blows out bubbles. 


    Diet: saki- hikari fancy goldfish (purple ones), Repashy gel food.

    lives in 75 gallon. all nitrates, ammonia, nitrite all zero 

    here's a video of him.


  5. Hello, I'm new to this thread and have some questions about my goldfish. I have a ranchu and yesterday I notice a red mark/ scratch on his belly, and I'm a bit concerned. Yesterday I check it was a tiny mark and today it looks redder and bigger, I'm not sure if it's blood or anything. But he acts very normally like eating, swimming around and stuff. Should I use methylene blue or an antibiotic to help him? I'm also not sure if he just scratch himself because I have a bare bottom tank, I do have a filter with like the sucking part out and is not covered by a sponge or anything, so I'm not sure if it was the plastic part of the filter.


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