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  1. @Guppysnailthank you for your reply! I've been in other aquarium groups in the past and have seen and received some not so friendly responses when asking questions! Glad to find a spot that is friendly and helpful!! ❤
  2. Should I try to separate her from the tank? Or just try to keep an eye out for babies? @Fish Folkthank you for the markup and reply!
  3. Good morning fish lovers!! I just noticed that one of our fish has gotten really big...and the one that is sticking by its side seems to have changed colors a little! Do we have a momma to be out do we have something else going on? Please dont bash me for not knowing...we've had a fish tank for years just never actually seen any of our fish give birth! I have only found a couple of fry over the years and fortunately saved them! Thank you in advance for your help!! 😊
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