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  1. I was checking out my friends aquarium and I've gotta say it's not in the best of shape but the main thing is his Black Moor keeps running into stuff and since yesterday has had a swollen white eye, and is lethargic and doesn't move off the ground unless food is put out he just sits on the ground. Please help I am definitely not an expert so I can't say and he is worried about Bob.
  2. No, I just am a control freak and I want to know where I should get them and calculate pros and cons then making a plan based on my research. No, I just am a control freak and I want to know where I should get them and calculate pros and cons then making a plan based on my research. Weird I know Oops just sent that twice
  3. So I don't feel like starting another forum, so I just gonna ask in here, I don't have any pet stores or fish stores near me other than PetCo and PetSmart and I don't know if it's the right choice to shop there because I sadly enough used to get all my fish there and PetCo is where I got the fish that caused the cotton eye outbreak. Does anyone know any solutions to how I can buy fish that are actually good quality and not going to start the fish version of Covid 19
  4. Also @Guppysnail I browsed this forum for awhile before deciding if I wanted to ask this question and I think your awesome, you are always there to help someone who is confused. I think I am going to go with betta with some neons and of course the party animals.... snails
  5. So watched this video, for some reason I can't paste it but it is by Irene and it's called How To Set Up A Easy 10-gallon Aquascape. She ment it for breeding though, but I just wasn't going to use the huts, and for plants I was thinking Narrow Java fern, Monte Carlo for carpet, Anubis Nana petite, and I haven't quite decided on a floater.
  6. I am not in the position to upgrade my tank sadly if you have any ideas for a 10 gallon I would love to know and for the nonsense I was thinking 5-6
  7. So I used to do alot of fishkeeping when I decided to stop after there was a cotton eye outbreak in my favorite and first tank where in the end all my fish died. Now I have decided to try again with the ten gallon I forgot I had put up in the attic I have cleaned it out gotten it prepared now I need to stock. I have watched alot of videos and I have decided on a simple stocking of a betta with a school of neons some snails and a type of Cory but I am torn between Panda, Albino or Pygmy. What do you think I should stock it with you can say something completely different then what I said or what Cory I should stock it with. I am all ears.
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