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  1. Help! I have 4 Halfbeaks (1 female and 3 males). I know they have been breeding constantly but I've never actually seen the babies until last night I happened to be sitting in front of my tank while she was giving birth! I sat in front of my tank for two hours individually catching the fry as they came out because the males and female and my honey gourami were absolutly going crazy trying to eat them. I cant believe I didn't think of just putting the female in a separate box...So I was able to save about 10-12 and the best I could do is put them in my big fish net, sitting at the surface of the water but I know if I want to keep them I need more equipment. What do I get? A breeder box and some BBS? But I don't have a second grow-out tank, can I let the babies grow up in the breeder box and then just transfer them to the community aquarium?
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