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  1. Some corys are more senstitive than others. Similis fall into that category, IME. The same with Panda corys. I would recommend Anneaeus or Pepper corys. I would also recommend putting then in quarantine for a few weeks before putting them into your planted tank.
  2. Hi Billango, The tank has been established for over a year. I run two Aqua Clear 30s with an air stone. I change water at least twice a week, 50 percent. What you say makes sense about a possible spike. I will add the next batch in smaller numbers out of my QT tank next time. Thanks.
  3. Hi, I'm Linda. I've kept fish since I was a kid and it was a favorite activity with my Dad who learned from his Dad. I've found Co-Op about a year ago and really like this community and the YT videos. Glad to be a member. I keep Discus mainly but also love Corys and Tetras and Rasboras. I'm also learning about plants and keep plants in bare bottom tanks in clay pots. I am running four 75s, two 58s, one 40, and one 20 long. I'm very active in my local fish club, Minnesota Aquarium Society, and am the Social Media Director. Also glad to have two Co-Op retail partners here, Twin Cities Guppies and Pure Fish Works. Glad to be here!
  4. Hello, Do Nano fish like Chili or Strawberry or Exclamation Point Rasbora do best in a 5 gallon or smaller. I've bought 20 from Aqua Huna. The fish arrived healthy and I QT and do regular water changes. Right now, I have them in a 20 long along with Green Neons and Pygmy Corys. It looks like I have maybe 6 left. The tank is bare bottom with plants in clay pots. I don't see bodies but obviously I've lost them. Any recommendations about tank size or other tips? Thanks.
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