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Lori H

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  1. I have a 55 gallon tank with an adult angelfish & I’m actually not sure what the other fish is. It looks like a silver dollar coin. I acquired these two fish when my uncle passed away as these were his. He’s had these fish forever and I can’t let anything happen to them!!  I did have fish as a child but now that I’m 48 it’s the first time I’ve had any since, so i’m pretty inexperienced!  I set up his tank and used stress coat for the tap water to dechlorinate and was told to use Quickstart So I could add the fish immediately. I do not have real plants.  I have artificial ones.  I let the tank sit for a several days after treating it and then added the fish. They’ve been in it for probably two weeks.  Now all of a sudden today, my angelfish has what appears to be a broken ventral fin.  I know the other fish is not picking on it or nipping its fin at all. They get along great because the poor things had to share a 1 gallon betta tank I used to have for almost a week before I got their tank set up.  I have no idea what happened to her fin. I am terrified that my angel fish may die and I do not know what to do. Please help me. Any suggestions?

    *** I just went back and looked at my earliest pictures and that fin did look smaller and thinner but definitely not broken like it looks now.





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