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  1. Hey y’all I was wondering how I could lower my ph. It’s pretty high (about 8.4) and my water is very hard, I use tap water from our well. I’m just looking for ideas on how to lower it because I want to set up another tank and get a pea puffer but I fear that 8.4 is way too high for one. Thanks in advance
  2. @Seattle_Aquaristim located in the u.s
  3. @Tankedso should I still atleast spread them out more? Oh and those stem like plants are a kind of grass that I bought from my local fish store, I can’t seem to remember what they were called though
  4. @Tankedi first got the plants on January 22nd, I will definitely try cutting the top off and planting it
  5. @Seattle_AquaristI have around 8ph,10-15 nitrate ppm,80-120 kh,and gh of around 150 oh and I’ve used flourish tabs by seachem. I spaced them out a couple of inches around the plants
  6. Hey y’all, I’m having an issue and I don’t know how to fix it. My plants will not stay alive and I’ve tried everything. I have about 3 1/2- 4in of gravel and I use root tabs I have my light on for about 9 hours a day and they don’t seem to be doing well at all. I do 2 water changes a week and gravel vac about every week and a half (depending on how dirty it is). Any insight would be great, thanks!!. also the pics are from when I got them till now (when I got them they were full,now not so much
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