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Don H

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About Me

I’m a lifelong resident of Orange County, NY.  Yes, where they filmed Orange County Chopper.  Their headquarters was minutes from my house. 
I’ve been keeping aquariums my whole life.  I got really into it in the 1990s and bred some Jack Dempseys.  They took over all my tanks. They kept breeding and I couldn’t give them away.  Not even my local fish store would take them.  At one point, I had 5 tanks setup that just housed Dempseys.  I was busy with school and work and as they died off, I tore down tanks until I had just 2 tanks left that had 3 turtles in them.   I honestly don’t remember when the last time I had fish was.  
In 2017 I bought my first home and moved my 3 turtles in with me.  One died not long after I moved in, probably of old age, he was over 25 years old (razor back musk turtle).  Last Summer (2021) my red ear slider died.  He was over 30 year old, but I had him outside in a kiddy pool. I had put a fence around it, but not a top.   A bird attacked him and he died about a week later. Right now, I have a small spotted turtle my friend gave me when he moved in 2001. 
When I was 10 or 11, my father took a friend and I fishing.  At the time I only had one 15 gallon tank (my dog had broken the 10).  I had a long fin leopard danio, 2 black skirt tetras, and 2 emerald corydoras. I had them for years with no heater and doing everything wrong as a hobbyist.  Leopard danios are beautiful and not common enough in the hobby.  
Anyway, when we were fishing I saw a snail at the waters edge.  It turned out to be a brown ramshorn snail.  I took 2 and ended up with hundreds for generations.  My Dempseys killed them all off and I wanted to have them again and I found out about all the colors available, so I bought a variety of them.  
I put them in an empty 29 that I let get overgrown with algae and used them to cycle the tank and filter. 
I’m going back to keeping small community fish.  Preferably subtropical so room temperature will be adequate.  
I keep my home around 70 and my tanks are steady at 74.  They’re near the window and heat.  

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