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Posts posted by Wadikus

  1. On 3/11/2022 at 3:19 PM, FrozenFins said:

    As long as tank parameters stay stable and nitrites and amonia stay at 0, you should be fine. The more the plants, the more the bioload you can take.

    I too am canadian so I understand the pain of dealing with an outbreak and not having any meds. I have had terrible luck when treating with salt as well. I live in Manitoba, here I'm able to find melafix, pimafix and API Super Ich Cure at big brand pet stores. I've seen them at petsmart, and petvalu.

    I've used the super ich cure to treat a ich outbreak and I was very happy with the results. In under a week everyone was fine.

    Just an FYI that vet that I used only prescribes to Ontario addresses and I live in QC, however they were able to prescribe me the meds and use my friends address in Ontario and then he shipped them to me. You're also allowed to buy as much of it as you want once you are prescribed. So i bought 3 x times my needed amount. So if you know someone in ontario you can get your hands on it and stock up for the future.

    They will even prescribe you the meds if you're just looking to set up a quarantine protocol.

    worth looking into.

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  2. I have a 29 Gallon that's fully cycled and chugging along, I have a pretty good understanding of the tanks behaviors and parameters. 

    About a month ago I had an infection run through the tank and pretty much wipe out all my dither fish. Orginal stocking was

    - 2 x Cockatoo apisto
    - 10 x Cardinals
    - 8 x Blue Emperor Tetras
    - 6 x Venezuelan Corys (aka the zoomers of Corys)
    - 1 x Bristlenose Pleco (Mr. Raymond Labrosse is his name and it roughly translates to Mr Raymond TheBrush)

    Being in Canada fish meds are not available and I think there was a bacterial infection, which led to stess which led to ICH. 

    I should mention after this point i found a vet in Ontario that does telemedicine and will prescribe meds equivalent to US meds (so for any Canadians this may help). I was able thanks to them to get my hands on some Metronidozale and Prazi, I ran a 3 week treatment and the fish look healthy and I'm gearing up to restock the tank. Ultimately I was able to save the following and this is my current stocking:

    1 x Male apisto
    6 x corys
    1 x Raymond Labrosse

    What I'd like to add:
    1 x Female apisto
    8 x Black Phantom tetra
    10 x rummys

    Total Stocking:
    2 x Apisto Cockatoo
    8 x  Black Phantom tetras
    10 x Rummy 
    6 x Venezuelan Corys
    1 x Bristlenose

    is this overstocked? and beyond that would it be possible to throw in some diamond tetras ( i know this would be pushing it )

  3. I use Seachem flourite black sand which isnt actually sand but a fractured clay thats broken down even further to give the appearance of sand. All my root based plants have not have a problem rooting in it and when I pulled up my Hygro the other day to move to another tank the roots were enormous. I just speckle in some root tabs since unlike regular sand which is also inert its very porous so it has really good nutrient leech capability.

    I don't know how much i'd love regular sized fluorite but I love the black sand.

  4. I see her eating and picking things off the substrate, I just fed a frozen brine shimp cube from Hikari, she wasn't very interested. I think she may just be stressed, she's hiding underneath a rock. No rapid breathing, seems nice and regular. I'm going to go out and get a coconut hut for her or a terracotta cave.

    Also yes I have tons of Prazi and Metro left I was able to buy as much as I wanted once prescribed.

  5. Hi Colu,

    fortunately I was able to find a vet to prescribe me some praziquantel/metro and i saved the male + my corys and bristle. I did lose all my other tetras. After finishing the treatment and performing multiple water changes I restocked the tank this weeked lightly with some Rummys and a new female cactuoides. Unfortunately she almost immediately started behaving weird.. all other fish are fine, water parameters are great and rummys noses are bright red.

    She's up in the corner of my tank tilted downwards at a 45 degree angle?? I see no signs of physical disease and it's way to fast for any pathogen in the tank to have done this to her (24 hours after introduction).

    Any ideas?



  6. Would love to do this treatment but I am unable do to the unavailability of fish medication in Canada. No white patches from what I can see just white dots on the Cardinal Tetras which I assume is ICH. I treated with API super cure as its the only ICH med in Canada I could get my hands on.

    It's putting a beating on my Bristlenose and Corys as they are sensitive to the meds. It's also tanking my oxygen levels I think, I've added an additional airstone and have raised the temp slightly.

    Almost none of the fish have an appetite except for the male apisto.

  7. I went out and got a 10 gallon quarantine hospital tank.. but I think all of my fish are sick so I haven't the slightest clue what to do. 

    Once this all blows over.. and all my fish are either dead or some survived how do I know when I can re introduce fish into my tank? How do i know its safe.. I have a ton of live plants so I can't just drain it.

  8. I’ll try and snap a photo but it’s difficult as she’s hiding out under my drift wood etc… hopefully tomorrow ill be able to snap a picture/video. The reason I don’t think she’s setting up to spawn as they’re both pretty young still (I think).. she’s very little.


    it’s very frustrating this whole medication thing in Canada.. aquarists got caught in a crossfire. 

    thank you

    This will sound stupid but if I have to do that 3 times a day I’m taking 6 gallons out of my tank daily and I only have 29 gallon, this won’t stress the tank too much you think?

  9. Unfortunately I do not have a quarantine tank.. so what you’re saying is take like a bucket and fill it with conditioned water of the same temp and the give her a bath in it for 15 minutes? Then back to the main tank? I can use one of my buckets that I do aquarium water changes with?


    also I assume you mean aquarium salt?


    thanks so much for your replies

  10. Hi there

    So I've had a pair of Apisto C. for a little over 2 weeks and now in my tank and everyone was full of energy and active but these last few days the girl has gone down to the corners and is generally hiding. She's not pursuing food or seems to really have any interest in food. The male is growing and has beautiful colors, hes active all over the tank.

    Water parameters are perfect and very stable.. she has a white sort of string coming out of her butt.. I've read this can be a symptom of parasites however it can also be a symptom of just not having eaten? Obviously I want to save her and will do what I can.. but my huge problem is im in Canada and we have a stupid ban on fish medications.. if this wasnt the case I'd already have para cleanse and expel-P on the way.

    I've heard I can do salt? But it will harm all my plants. I was really hoping Co-Op was going to start shipping to Canada soon as i've heard we can buy meds from USA and have them shipped.

    Is there anything I can do? or do I just monitor and if it gets bad euthanize? 

    This is my first tank and i'm trying to be the best fish owner I can be 😞


  11. Preview attachment IMG_4344.jpg

    Is this Bacopa Caroliniana? I bought it at my LFS when i first set the tank up but im not sure? The stems are alot thinner and the leaves look different. It also has grown really tall really fast.. about 8 inches in 3 weeks. No co2 or intense lighting.

    can i trim it just like Bacopa Caroliniana? Theres tons of roots sprouting out from it everywhere.

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