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  1. Oh that’s good 😊! I feel a little bit relieved. I was wondering if it was something because those spots are so irregular and the coloration as well that I thought something was wrong I have never seen it before that way. Anyway It’s a new setup quarantine tank because I wanted to go back in the hobby and I have forgotten few things. I am learning everything again specially because I moved to U.S. and everything here is different and nowadays we have so many different things and technology to help us out than it was before. I am researching for example about the deep substrate and fish in cycle. My tank was setup on November of last year I am working on setting up others tanks in the meantime but not with fish on those. I will follow your advice and take a close look on the water parameters to not let them be sick again. Thank you so much my friend!
  2. @xXInkedPhoenixX Hi 👋 and thank you so much for reading. Their behavior seems pretty normal. They are swimming well no problem at all for eating. I noticed on one of the guppies when I brought it home it had those weird pattern on its fin. It was a large white spot on the fin and then after the med trio it became a little yellow and another one grew on the same fin. Now It has got a large yellow spot and I large white spot. I hope you can see it on the pictures. About the water parameters: Gh: 300 ppm Ph: 7.2 Temp: 78F. KH 80 ppm. Nitrite 0. Nitrates 0. ammonia 0. It’s a 10 Gallons aquarium.
  3. I am back on the hobby after years inactive because of my favorite fish 😭 died after 5 years with me. It was my favorite angel fish. I decided to start over and I’ve got some guppies from a pet store on the end of November and some feeder endlers too. Some of them unfortunately died and the ones that remained I have treated with the med trio. They are in the quarantine tank. They seem to be doing good, eating and they are pretty active and I even got some fries during this period but there’s one of the guppy that I can’t figure out what disease it has. I have tried to see if I could find any pictures on Google or any article but I haven’t found anything similar to it. Thank you guys for reading my post and I hope Ican finally help my guppy. ( it is a challenge to get good pictures with guppies they swim very fast ☺️)
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