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Posts posted by BettaHomesAndGardens

  1. I know some people who use tubs of green water for hospital or quarantine tanks. The water quality is supposed to be immaculate and good for the fish. I don't have any experience using it but I definitely know some people that always keep it on hand for these reasons.

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  2. Hard to see but his accenting is actually blue into black. This is Gilbert. He’s very spirited and by spirited I mean kind of a butthead lol. He’s a Plakat Betta and exactly the opposite of normal bettas. He insists on spending as much time in high flow areas as possible and tries to shoal with the Corys I have in the tank. He’s awesome tho and definitely has lots of personality.



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  3. From what I can tell from looking into the composition of the capsules it looks like most medical capsules are made using cow hide gelatin or another pure protein which I would think would be harmless to the tank. As far as what Aquarium Co Op uses specifically I would think their customer service would probably be able to give you the source of the capsules used so you could get a specific ingredient list. If they are designed to dissolve in the substrate however I would think it wouldn't contain any harmful toxins for livestock.

  4. On 1/26/2022 at 8:24 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Welcome. Beautiful betta. May I ask what is the stone directly behind your betta laying flat. It’s very pretty. 

    Thanks! All the rock hardscape I have is petrified wood. I love the look of it and the natural lines it has.

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  5. I wish more lights came with stands that extended vertically or even extendable risers. I know there are plenty of easy DIY ways to do this but it just seems like an easy include especially for the more top end lighting fixtures. It would be nice to be able to lift the light up not only to adjust intensity but just to allow you to do things in the tank without having to constantly be moving the light.

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  6. I love Nerite snails. I had one as a stowaway on the very first plant I bought and I kept him around. He's always putting in work and on the move. Their shells have some very striking patterns. Definitely recommend these little guys. I do recommend a lid with them as mine have tried to make a break for it before lol.

  7. Hello! My name is Dan and as with many I’ve recently ventured back into the hobby after a long hiatus. This is however my first time attempting to keep live plants. I’m your classic over-thinker and am probably causing more harm than good most of the time when I mess with my tank lol. Right now I have a 20 gallon long moderately planted with a very spirited betta named Gilbert, a pair of Otocinclus on account of losing a few so hopefully more soon and a school of Harlequin Rasbora on the way soon. Plant wise I have some bacopa, crypt lucens, crypt wendtii red, rotala magenta and Java fern. I’m very sure I will end up killing all of it lol. No but seriously I really enjoy this hobby and am excited to be back into it. Looking forward to learning much and experiencing a lot. Oh, side-note I’m from Northwest Indiana! Cheers!!


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