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  1. Just want to give an update on treating my tank: One thing that I haven't seen anywhere except on a Canadian storefront is that you want your temperature to be low when putting Levamisole in your aquarium, 75F or less, because the dissolved oxygen is reduced significantly when treating the tank. Apparently discus fish are the most sensitive to this, but also the snails as well. So you should turn your temp way down and put an air stone in there to help out the fish. I did 5 grams dissolved in 100 ml of water and used 1 ml per gallon (so 15 gallons altogether.) Had the light off for a day, then cleaned the tank after 48 hours. I had the blue mystery snail in the tank and he survived the treatment just fine, but he was a bit stressed out and had his siphon out for a short while after 8 hours of dosing the tank but was fine on day 2. Right now the tank looks very healthy and I counted four worms on the ground that I vacuumed up. All the fish are perky and there are no more redworms hiding around the anuses.
  2. Just a heads up after forum surfing and asking an expert at the department of zoology at a university: snails can't get the camellanus worms because they are mollusks that have an open circulatory system which is not like a vertebrate and the worms are parasitic blood suckers, which means that they are likely too specialized to infect a drastically different species (he also said this purely theoretical as there haven't been any scientific experiments with camellanus worms vs. snails), but they can be an intermediate host with the hatchings living on the surfaces of the snail for up to 3 weeks. I'm guessing that my 2 gallon rescue tank is now also compromised as a result. In addition, the levamisole can last in the aquarium for quite a while and I have to do a second treatment in 2.5 weeks. I'm going to keep the snail in the rescue tank for a month at least so the hatchlings die off naturally, and possibly longer if I have to do a third treatment.
  3. Thank you very much for your advice. Sorry about what happened to your snails 😞 I'll move him into the rescue tank. If the worms come back a few months later, he will get dosed with the rest of them.
  4. Hey sorry to bump this but I'm facing the same problem with Camellanus redworms and having a Blue Mystery Snail in the tank. I've ordered some levamisole HCl and I've been debating whether or not to move the snail into the rescue tank while treating the main tank, or if he is infected and should be treated with the rest of them. I don't want to lose him, either. I've been trying to do internet research but the results are mixed. It says invertibrates are fine if the dosing is right, but I don't want to go through the process of de-worming the fish of the snail is carrying it and is going to bring it back into the tank a month or two later. Suggestions?
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