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Status Updates posted by KatFish

  1. Still cycling the tank, (started 1/18/22) and I did a water test.

    Current parameters:
    0.25ppm Ammonia
    0 Nitrite
    0 Nitrate

    Tis a slow start, but we're getting there!

  2. Made my first order off the ACO website!! 😍 I am so excited!

  3. I didn't know Murphy had a livestream on the ACO website- and now I'm just sitting here watching this absolute unit of a fish swim around and melt my heart- just like his bio says 😄 

    I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day if anyone needs me! 

  4. Honestly, feeding Ponyo is such a treat for me because I get to have the rare chance of taking pictures of him without having to try and put my phone (or me) into what feels like those nature "wilderness" positions (You know- where the photographer has to sit still for hours on end to capture the perfect image of the animal? Even if the lion cub is eating your shoes?)
    Seriously! Just look at how Ponyo is growing into his color! 
    I don't know if he's going to be anything other than this salmon pink/red, but honestly- it really does remind me of the character Ponyo from the Studio Ghibli movie. 
    The fins being the dress, and the body being the skin/hair. (if you stretch the imagination a little!) 



    Granted, Ponyo catches me in the act of taking pictures of him pretty often- and he is pretty camera shy, so I try not to bother him to much (thank goodness my phone lets me just press and hold the shutter button and it takes a bunch of pictures at once!) 

    Anyhow, the medicine for Ponyo is coming in on Sunday- but I just tracked the order on Amazon and it's almost to the little "shipped" icon- so let's all cross our fingers that it arrives sooner! 
    I'm going to go and order some of the Indian Almond Leaves as well, that someone else suggested and I will keep you all appraised of that as well. 

  5. Just did a water parameter check on Ponyo after waking up to what I think is fin rot. 😔

    Here's the Parameters (and links to how I did the calculations):
    Temp: 85*F
    Ph: 7.2
    Ammonia: 0ppm
    Nitrite: 0ppm
    Nitrate: 0ppm
    Kh: 40ppm / 2.24dKh
    Gh: 25ppm / 1.401dGh

    for my Kh conversion- I used my calculator and this via a google search (But you guys can tell me if it's accurate or not):


    To convert from ppm to dKH alkalinity, simply multiply the result by 0.056.

    For my Gh conversion- I used this website:



    1. KatFish


      My pictures aren't the best quality- since lately every time I come up to the tank he is skittish and swims away very quickly. 
      He used to be very playful at the top/mid level of the tank with following my finger and such. But now he is hiding. 
      He still swims normally- as I have already fixed a previous bladder issue when I first got him from the local PetCo.


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