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Posts posted by Chiasmus

  1. @Mr. Ed's Aquatics thanks for the detailed reply. That was what I was afraid of, after seeing a comment about bowfronts elsewhere. I’m at least glad to find out before purchasing. I almost bought one last week before I heard anything, but it had a huge unmentioned chip on the side and I backed out of the sale. I’ll think about reinforcement, but your comment makes me seriously reconsider. I was the one that found my brother’s 100 gallon mid-leak and half full when we were kids, so I am a bit afraid of leaks. 

    In terms of footprint, the bowfront gives us just enough extra room to fit where it would need to go. I’m rather sure the depth of the 75 would be just a little too deep to fit well, although I now have a good reason remeasure to be sure. 

  2. I have just enough space in my living room for either a 55 gallon, a 72 gallon bowfront, or a 60 gallon (same footprint as 55 but taller). My husband loves the look of the bowfront and I love that it’s a larger size that would still fit in the space, but I heard recently they may be more prone to leaks. Anyone have experience or knowledge on if bowfronts are more likely to leak? I noticed the 72 bowfronts are hard to find new, but don’t know if it’s due to COVID or because the manufacturers are discontinuing them. 

    Also, if you were planning on a planted tank, would you go for higher water volume (like the 60) or would the shorter 55 gallon be a better bet? I’m looking at used options and unsure what to get. Fish will probably be cherry barbs, green neon tetras, otos, and honey gouramis. 

    Obviously the 55 is easier to find, but I’m leaning toward a bowfront if I can find a good one and it’s not leak prone. I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks! 

  3. I’d still appreciate any advice about the best filter for those types of fish, but the 90 gallon fell through. I went with cash in hand only to discover that there was a half dollar sized chip in the glass right in the corner by the seal that the seller hadn’t disclosed, and other areas where the plastic edges were cracked. Back to the tank hunt! 

  4. Thank you so much for your insight. I’ll try that then. I was planning on doing a planted tank running on sponge filters and eventually adding honey gouramis, cherry barbs, green neons, and otos. I’m not in a hurry to add the fish. Do you think sponge filters or the canister or both would be best for these fish since either way I’d be starting over? I was leaning toward just sponge filters for lower flow until I got this tank that already had the canister. 

  5. I’m about to buy a 90 gallon tank running on a canister filter. The guy selling it had a 14” pleco in there until today. I’m not getting the pleco but wanting to keep the beneficial bacteria alive. We’ll probably have a week before the tank is setup because we’re wanting to paint the stand first. Could I run the canister in a bucket and/or the gravel with a bubbler and keep it alive until then? Any other suggestions? My experience until today is mainly a 3 gallon nano with shrimp. Thanks! 


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