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Camryn Lawrence

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Posts posted by Camryn Lawrence

  1. Thank you Colu, I realized she had body rot because the very back of her tail is showing a tiny sliver of flesh. I have been treating her with kanaplex I will try those jungal fungas clear fizz tabs too. But at this point I do not really think there is much I can do, but I will keep trying.

  2.  Update:

    I have so far done two 50% water changes and have dosed Ammo Lock, kanaplex, and aquarium salt. The ammonia is down to 0 ppm already!!! She is starting to do slightly better. She is swimming around now. She still has no appetite. Tomorrow will be day 5 of her not eating so this is not good. I'm hoping because her behavior is a little better her appetite might change too. The last piece of news is pretty much her entire back tail fell off. This is partly good and partly bad because almost all of the infected part of her tail has disintegrated but she doesn't have much of her tail left. She is still in such terrible condition. I feel so bad for her, she is trying to hang on so hard. I am doing all I know to do 😢 

    I am trying to follow all of your suggestions right now, if y'all have anymore please let me know. Thank y'all for all of the help.


  3. Yes, I saw she started moving around slightly more today, but is still gasping for air and her fins are just as terrible. I am going to try your suggestions. Thank you for all of the information Hannah. I really appreciate it!

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  4. Thank you so much Hannah! I thought ammonia might be a cause to this as well so I just yesterday used an ammonia test kit and found I had 0.15 ppm ammonia. I actually used API Ammo Lock to help with the ammonia, but I might have to try Seachem Prime. She started swimming around slightly more today so I tried to use that opportunity to feed her, like you said I tried feeding her frozen bloodworms because she can't resist those but she refused to eat them. As you and @Colu said I am going to try a garlic supplement, but I don't know if it would work much. She is on day four of not eating so I have to start acting fast on this. I have thought about euthanizing her, but I don't want to do so if she still has a chance. Thank you so much for the recommendations Hannah!

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  5. Yes, I think you are approaching this the right way: turn down your lights and scrub the hardscape. I think the main problem was your light. You said you had it on for 24 hours each day and that is way too much, because too much light = algae. So I think your solution is a good one, but I would make sure to turn down the light slowly over time (Not have it on for so long each day). 

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  6. Hi, thanks Ken. She lives in a 5 gallon tank with no tank mates. It is a non planted tank. I normally keep the temperature around 77 degrees. The filter I have is built into the tank and has a very low flow. She has no appetite (Even when I put the food directly above her mouth she didn't feel like reaching for it) and is only sleeping, she won't swim around. When I have seen her move she swims in a darting fashion and looks like she is struggling to stay upright. Let me know if you need any other details.



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  7. I have had a female dumbo betta fish for 2 years now. She has lived those years in the same tank, but we moved so I had to relocate her and set up her tank all over again. But after I put her in the new tank, everything just went downhill.

    (Bit of a backstory) While I was setting up her new tank, the heater broke. We got a new one and it seemed to be working perfectly fine. We let the tank cycle for a while (But it was already pretty cycled because I used the same filter media and some of the same water. I even added some beneficial bacteria just in case) After a few days the tank water tested perfectly, everything was fine. I decided to put her into the tank. But I made a huge mistake, I forgot to acclimate her. I scooped her straight from the bag and put her into the water. She instantly darted around the tank frantically gasping for air and swimming faster than I have ever seen her swim. This lasted only a minute then she instantly hid in her floating log at the top of the water. I was very concerned but I brushed it off thinking she was just slightly stressed with her new tank.

    The next morning I checked on her and found that the new heater wasn't set right and went up to 79 degrees. And at first that doesn't seem that bad but perviously the day before she was in a transport bag that was 71 degrees. So she was in a 71 degree transport bag - moved into a 76 degree tank with no acclamation - then overnight the heater hopped to 79 degrees! I checked the dial and it was on 76 degrees so I don't know why it was all the way up at 79. I went to return the heater and got a new trusted heater that worked fine. 

    But my betta was affected, obviously. She probably suffered from temperature shock, because she was lethargic, wouldn't eat (VERY unlike her), was gasping for air, looks pale, AND it looked like fin rot was affecting her fins, there even possibly might be a little pineconing going on. At this point I was overwhelmed. I just moved and her being at this state on top of everything else was just a lot on my plate. I treated her with aquarium salt (The only thing I could think to do) and started researching what I could do. But I had little luck, plus what else could I do other than give her an antibiotic? Her water levels were fine she was just severely stressed. I gave it a day to see what the aquarium salt would do, but nothing really happened. If anything, It got worse.

    Within a days time I saw that now her fins had bad fin rot and red spots that looked like wounds. For the past couple days all she does is lay in her floating log and gasp for air. Even if someone gave me a medicine to use, I probably couldn't get it in time. I don't know what else I can do, I need someones help but I think it might be too late with her. So much is happening to her, I don't want her to keep suffering, but I really don't want to give up on her. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks.

    I know it was a very bad mistake of mine to forget to acclimate her, I also know it has progressed very badly, but I haven't had much time to even treat her because this all happened within 2 days.




    Betta. jpg.jpg


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  8. Do y'all think I should treat her with BettaFix, or Kanaplex? Which is more effective/safe? And if there is already aquarium salt in the tank, can I add a medication, or should I do a water change first?


  9. @ZacYes, I was just doing some research on the causes and I think it is because I moved her a few months ago. Like across states (10 hour drive) and I didn't think anything of it, but now that I've been reading things I think that is the main cause of it.


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  10. I have had a female dumbo betta fish, for about a year and a half. Lately ( past few days ) I have noticed that her scales are pointy. Her behavior hasn’t changed she is still active but that’s why I’m confused whether something is wrong or not because she is acting the same but she looks different. I know dropsy can have pointy scales so I’m wondering if this is a start to something. I tried fasting her and I also added aquarium salt to her tank. I tested her water and everything is still the same as it has been. ( I use testing strips ).

    Her tank is 5 gallons, heated around 76 degrees. (In the pictures the light is really bright but that is just so I could get a good picture of her, I don't normally keep it on.) I would love to hear someone else’s opinion. Thanks 😊 






  11. So I'm newer when it comes to diseases in fish and was wondering if there is velvet on my betta.

    She's had this for months now so that's why I'm wondering if it is velvet (Because velvet should last within 1 week - 1 month from what I'm reading and she's had it longer than that). Velvet is also (From pictures I'v seen) rusty-er that what she has, for she has metallic gold and silver patches by her gills. But I have never had a fish with velvet so I don't know how to tell if she has it.




  12. Like Colu said, you probably have high ammonia levels. I'd recommend trying to upgrade your tank soon (It doesn't have to be 40 gallons, 10 should be fine) because having a goldfish and glow fish in a 3 gallon tank could result in problems with your water parameters (Like it is starting to). But until then try and do daily water changes and make sure to be checking your water often (with water test strips like these: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-ammonia-test-strips?_pos=4&_psq=test&_ss=e&_v=1.0). Good luck!

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  13. Hey, I have a question, so I am moving my bettas' fish tank down the block (one minute away) and I was wondering if there is an easier way to move the tank rather than boxing up the tank, bagging the fish and all of that just to move the fish a minute away. Like could I somehow keep the fish still it the tank, I don't know. Thanks. 

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