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Khole new fish

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Posts posted by Khole new fish

  1. I was planning on using the sponge filter because the tank has another one running, question should i use the same substraight even though I think he may have fun rot i was going to leave him in the 3.5 as a medical spot scape the new one and let it run for awhile, i was going to leave him with simple things until i am done with the treatment what do you think? Or should I just leave him with the less things possible for the treatment process?

    Should i wash things or just run filters for a couple of days?


  2. I just decided to do this because I was gifted my first tank with the fish, with are the tetars, in the other tank and i was then gifted the other two, i never realized I didn't know anything wow there is so much to learn and try i did even know you could do the really love plants, i am going to get the salt tomorrow if i can and try and gift Morpheus my best all the others are fine i really think he maybe already had this when o purchased him at Petco.

    I got some anubias for this co-op i hope to get them soon.

    Thank you for your patience and help

  3. There is old media in still and the only ones i removed where the plastic ones i have API quick start that states it has live bacteria should I put some in

    I also don't see the little hole i saw last night

  4. Changed the my water and No3 was good the No2 was a bite high pH 6.0 and all the rest is good, did a water change yesterday changed the filter media to the fluval aqua clear foam so i do feed Maybe to much the live plants are not rotting and look good like i stated removed all plastic decorations so what should I do?


  5. Thank you so much i removed things and left the natural, i tested the water and it comes out a strong strong i don't now if that may have something to do with it but i read and understand that the salt is a must in this hobby

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  6. Hello need advice i am not sure if my Betta has fin rot i have tried to take a picture but his fins a so big it is hard but this is what I can show it is a small tare and the like piece is still in the area.

    I have bettafix but don't know how to use it or if i should right know his attitude has not changed still out going and i removed things i considered harmful and just left the live plants and the mopani wool piece and the smooth rocks and substraight.

    Advice please i am new at this


  7.  Good night i need to ask if bettafix is any good i see my Betta has a small tare in one of his bottom fins, i removed anything i thought could hurt him left the plants, the soft rocks and wood,

    Also made him a soft hammock, he is alert eating swimming around like normal did a water change.


  8. Wow first off good night to everyone, i learned something new today i put a mirror 9n the outside of Morpheus's tank and what a difference he has changed i knew he was beautiful but seeing him on territory mood was wonderful. How long should I let him do this and should it be done every day?

    Thanks for all your advice

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  9. On 11/26/2021 at 5:48 PM, Fish Folk said:

    A sponge filter will be just fine, as long as the tank is cycled. This means: there are sufficient bacterial colonies built up to convert ammonia to nitrite, and then nitrite to nitrate.

    Here’s my son’s 5.5 gal tank, filtered on one small sponge filter…


    Wow love it i really hope to do my best job with this communities help thanks so much.

    I live in Puerto Rico and it is hard some times to find help all i have around me are big stores and must do not know how to answer doubts and it is frustrating.

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