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Khole new fish

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Everything posted by Khole new fish

  1. Version 1.0.0


    My friend from my local fish store had gifted me with balloon mollies this are in the tank with the new beautiful plants, has done it again gifting me with guppies fry I will do my best to get them healthy and strong, any advice????????
  2. Good I was not able to see my otocinculs and my pleco but I put catalpa leafs in the tanks and they love them and I can see them more, the balloons are getting big and the pea pufferfish Fishy McFish is good and so are all the rest I was thinking of rescaping Fishy's tank but I think I should leave it as is or not sure. What do you 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  3. So I guess I can't stop looking and sharing, I am so surprised everyone tells me that a female barb is always going to be pale but what do you think about mine she has been with me for more then two years, I guess it maybe the food I got from aquarium co-op. O look at my otocinculs and my dwarf briselnose pleco. O and I got two new babies they are white balloon mollies gifted to me as fry and they are biggggg.
  4. Question do pea pufferfish eat micro worms????
  5. I am having so much fun raising live food for Fishy McFish, and it is very interesting I am also trying Micro worm culture.
  6. I did it took a chance with new babies, I got the wood I was waiting for got plants from my other tanks. What do you think?
  7. I did it took a chance with new babies, I got the wood I was waiting for got plants from my other tanks. What do you think?
  8. I have no idea what to stock it with but I guess I will wait until I scape it and see what I can do
  9. Simple I am waiting to receive some spider wood I want to make it a wood and rock tank It was not like this before I wanted to change it memories you know.
  10. Sad to say my white and red Betta passed away today, she went blind and it was her time I have an empty tank and I change the scape it will be wood and I don't know what to do with it 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  11. I am happy with this out come the wood and the white sand so I can see where the snail land. Many snails I think they love cucumber and the jungle is good I did not know that the banana plant gave such beautiful pads.
  12. That is a good way of explaining it thanks, made me feel better jejej
  13. I love to see my snails and there growing process, it is almost sad to feed them to Fishy McFish but that was the plan
  14. That sounds great what ever you can do is fine
  15. I finally got to see Pleki again had not seen him or her for days.
  16. Thanks I have good amount of bladder snails growing to feed also, I have brine shrimp, I want to see if I can culture live worms and mosquito larvae.
  17. Question how many mini bloodworms should I feed my pea pufferfish? He ate three day.
  18. this is beforeThis is beforeThis is now I love this one and I think the baby does to
  19. Version 1.0.0


    I changed the scape on the puffer tank what do you think? I think the baby likes the new arrangement, hey names please don't know if it's a boy or girl yet what do you think about Fishy Mcfish?
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